Hva er American College of Norway

Drømmer du om å studere i utlandet? Kickstart eventyret på USA reisen ved American College of Norway! Vi gir deg en smidig overgang til det amerikanske utdanningssystemet, og gjør deg rustet til å takle praktiske og faglige utfordringer underveis. Finn ut hvordan vi kan bidra til at du lykkes som student i USA!


Som student hos oss tar du ett år med fag i Norge, før du fullfører bachelorgraden din ved et universitet i USA. Året på ACN består av generelle fag som er obligatoriske for alle amerikanske bachelorstudenter, såkalte general education requirements. (Nærmere forklaring under)

ACN-studiet teller som ett år av en fireårig amerikansk bachelorgrad, og gir deg 30 amerikanske studiepoeng som kan overføres til et universitet i USA. I tillegg, etter å ha bestått fagene på ACN med gode nok karakterer, er du garantert plass ved våre åtte samarbeidsuniversiteter! Du kan også søke fritt på andre skoler i USA. Klikk her for å lese mer om partneruniversitetene.

Two people posing for a photo







Two people posing in front of ice and mountains


For mange har det vært en livslang drøm å studere i USA. Ikke bare er det et nytt eventyr - du utfordrer deg selv både sosialt og faglig. En internasjonal bakgrunn kan utgjøre en viktig forskjell når du skal søke jobb i fremtiden.


American College gjør deg kjent med hvilke muligheter du har for å studere i USA, og hjelper deg med å legge en plan for din akademiske utvikling og bachelorgrad i utlandet.

Ett år på ACN innebærer en rekke fordeler for deg som drømmer om å studere i USA. Her er noen av grunnene til at du bør starte utenlandseventyret ditt sammen med oss:

  • Du studerer sammen med både norske og amerikanske studenter.
  • Du får et unikt sosialt nettverk før du drar videre til USA.
  • Du får god kunnskap om det amerikanske universitetssystemet.
  • Du får hjelp med praktiske og byråkratiske gjøremål – alt fra omfattende søknadsprosesser, til å søke om lån og visum.
  • Du er garantert plass ved et av samarbeidsuniversitetene våre. Klikk her for å lese mer om våre partnerskoler.
  • Du forbedrer engelskkunnskapene dine, og får undervisning av amerikanske professorer fra partneruniversitetene våre.
  • Du kan bo på campus sammen med norske og amerikanske medstudenter. Her får du virkelig en forsmak på college-livet!
  • Det er gøy å studere hos oss! Vi arrangerer en rekke sosiale aktiviteter i løpet av året, både på og utenfor campus.
  • Du har alle muligheter åpne når du skal studere i USA. Velg studieretning innen alt fra film til fysikk.

Ansatte og forelesere


Krista Lauritzen

Krista Lauritzen is the Executive Director of the American College of Norway, a position she has held since the college’s founding in 1991. She is from Two Harbors, Minnesota and has her higher education from Augsburg College in Minneapolis, MN. While in college she participated in an exchange program at the University of Trondheim and is committed to helping students to study abroad!


Siv Lønningdal

Siv is the Office & Accounting Manager. She is from Os in the western part of Norway, but has lived in the area since 1974. She has been with ACN since 1993 and is likely the first person you will meet here. She handles the college’s finances and assists with information about such things as rent and student tuition payments.


Tonje Kristiansen

Tonje is the Marketing & Event coordinator at ACN. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Event Management at the University of Winchester, and her Master’s degree in Tourism Studies from the Arctic University of Norway. Tonje grew up in Moss and is passionate about making sure students explore the town, and she is always looking for opportunities for students to engage authentically with the local community.


Heidi Benjaminson

Heidi is the Academic Advisor.  She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Communication from ACN’s partner school, University of North Dakota and spent half of her junior year studying abroad at ACN, where she met her husband, a Norwegian ACN student. After graduation, they lived and worked in Norway for a few years before moving to Scotland where she earned a Master of Science in Education focusing on international education and study abroad. Heidi spent nearly a decade in Brisbane, Australia working with inbound and outbound international students before moving back to Norway.


Colin Solaas

Colin is the Resident Assistant at the on-campus dorms. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks. He started his college education at ACN in 1999 and has taught accounting classes here.



Jeremiah Bartz


Jeremiah Bartz is an Associate Professor of Mathematics & Statistics at the University of North Dakota. His research interests lie broadly in combinatorics. Current research projects involve studying certain integer sequences motivated by geometric considerations. Originally from North Dakota, he enjoys being outdoors, playing board games, and spending time with family and friends.

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Dr. Robin Smith

ACN FACULTY SPRING 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Summer 2024, Fall 2024 and SPRING 2025

Robin Smith is a femme, queer, writer & scholar originally from Northern California. Robin is the author of the chapbook “Confessions of a Love Addict” (Dancing Girl Press, 2020) and two  full length collections  Love Glut (Rebel Satori Press 2021) and Willow Abuelo & Me (UND ProQuest 2023). She is the winner of the Academy of American Poets Prize and the Katherine B. Tiffany Award, among others. Her work has appeared in By & By poetry review, Aji Literary Magazine, Visual Artists Collective, Zoetic Press, Red Ogre, Westwind, Legendary Review, PACIFICReview among many others.

Robin Smith is a femme, queer, writer & scholar originally from Northern California. Robin is the author of the chapbook “Confessions of a Love Addict” (Dancing Girl Press, 2020) and two  full length collections  Love Glut (Rebel Satori Press 2021) and Willow Abuelo & Me (UND ProQuest 2023). She is the winner of the Academy of American Poets Prize and the Katherine B. Tiffany Award, among others. Her work has appeared in By & By poetry review, Aji Literary Magazine, Visual Artists Collective, Zoetic Press, Red Ogre, Westwind, Legendary Review, PACIFICReview among many others. Her work has also been featured in anthologies such as Bliss and Drawn to Comics. She was the lead poetry editor for the Northridge Review, and is an associate editor for Voicemail Poems. Robin Smith was the judge of the 2019 Rachel Sherman award for up and coming poets. She received her B.A and M.A in Creative Writing (poetry) from California State Northridge and recently graduated the University of North Dakota where she received her Phd in Creative Writing and Literature. Robin currently lives in Norway where she  teaches Composition for the American College of Norway. She is a huge fan of Taco Bell and was proudly rejected by Taco Bell Quarterly this year and she also loves literary gossip and trash TV.

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American College ble grunnlagt i 1990 av tidligere NHO-direktør Dr. Steinar Opstad. Hvert år siden 1992 har vi hatt gleden av å ønske norske og internasjonale studenter velkommen til Moss, for å bidra til at de lykkes med utdanningen sin i USA.

Det første året gjennomførte 24 norske og amerikanske studenter programmet ved ACN. Mye har skjedd siden den gang, og i dag har vi opptak for opptil 50 studenter. Vi har gjennom tidene hatt vårt campus i historiske omgivelser som på Torderød Gård, Møllebyen og Konvensjonsgården. Høsten 2023 flyttet vi vårt campus til Torvterassen, i hjertet av Moss by. Herfra er det kort vei til det meste – bibliotek, kaféer og handlegater.


Faculty Picks: 3 Ways to Enjoy Moss

Considering ACN as your next adventure? Let the ACN staff and faculty share their favorite spots in Moss to help you get to know your new home town!

Open House 2025!

Are you interested in kick-starting your U.S. bachelor's degree at ACN? If so, we'd encourage you to attend our Open House on Thursday, March 6th, 2025!

A Day Trip to Oslo: A Guide to Sightseeing, Activities, and Dining

ACN-student Carson gives you some ideas for how to spend a day in Oslo!


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