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ACN – Home away from home

What is it like to teach abroad and become a part of the American College of Norway family? In this blog post, University of North Dakota and ACN Spring faculty member, Emily Cherry looks back on her time at ACN and all the transformative experiences not only she only went through, but her students too.

The American College of Norway – We’re all in this together

Spring 2017 faculty member, Brittney Christy offers great insight into the American College of Norway and her transformation as a teacher through her reflective blog article.


Hallo alle sammen! Mitt navn er Mats Skarabråten Moe og jeg har fått æren av å skrive et lite blogginnlegg om året mitt her på American College of Norway. Noen av spørsmålene jeg skal svare på er «Hvorfor ACN?», «Hvordan har ACN hjulpet meg bli klar for USA?», «Hvordan har ACN hjulpet meg til å […]

American College of Norway Alumni Spotlight

Charlotte Bergo (ACN 2011/2012 | George Mason University ‘15)

ACN’s Arctic Expedition in Svalbard

Last month ACN students, faculty and staff went on an Arctic expedition with Dr. John Ross to Norway's farthest northern territory, Svalbard!

U.S. Election 2016

The past semester at ACN has been an exciting time for our students to get involved in various political conversations in preparation for studying in the U.S.!

U.S. Presidential Debate: The Road to the White House

In preparation for this year’s election, ACN hosted a presidential debate featuring the Mayor of Moss, the U.S. Ambassador to Norway, Republicans Abroad Norway and Democrats Abroad Norway!

UND Week at ACN!

This past week ACN has been covered in green and filled with lots of UND school spirit and cheer as it’s our annual UND Week! Our week of all things UND is always a great way for our current students to get better acquainted with UND and as a way to start thinking about where they want to study at in the U.S.!

Slovakian Art Exhibit at ACN

Last spring, American College of Norway teamed up with the Slovakian film company MIRAMFILM Ltd. who recently embarked on a unique and large-scale cultural heritage project in Slovakia.

A new year, new memories!

Last month marked the start of another school year at ACN. And with a new school year upon us, that means we helped welcome a whole new group of students to ACN!

My experience at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum

Petter Wilhelmsen was one of two ACN students chosen to go to Minneapolis, MN to attend the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize Forum. Here he reflects on his experience.

A New Friendship Through the Arts

This spring, a new friendship and artistic opportunity presented itself to the American College of Norway all the way from Slovakia!

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