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When in doubt, say yes to studying abroad in Norway at American College of Norway!

Study abroad student, Kayla Wendt from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota heard about American College of Norway through her involvement with Sons of Norway. Once she heard about the program, she instantly applied and the rest is history. Read about Kayla's semester abroad and why she'd recommend ACN to anyone considering studying abroad in Norway.

Studying art and cities: opening a world

How can the place where you live and study teach you about the world? What happens when you start paying attention to all the details of your surroundings? Could the very sidewalks tell you something important? These are questions we started asking ourselves this semester at the American College of Norway when my colleague Nick Favero and I taught a 1-credit course on Norway’s public and street art. And the answers we found were compelling.

Giving Tuesday – American College of Norway Foundation, USA

This Giving Tuesday, remember ACN and help spread awareness about this life-changing experience by donating to the American College of Norway Foundation, USA.

Experience Norway firsthand this summer at American College of Norway.

Vikings, Theater and Oslo, oh my! Experience Norway firsthand this summer studying abroad at the American College of Norway (ACN)! Trust us, Toto you won't feel like you're in Kansas anymore! "I loved my time at the American College of Norway! The summer school program was easy to work into my schedule and I'm so glad I did it. It's a great place, super comfortable and welcoming, with amazing staff who are always ready to help you with anything you need. There really isn't anything I would change, except for maybe how fast it flew by!" -Mikale Kuntz, ACN Summer School Student 2019

American College of Norway explores Svalbard – Norway’s farthest northern territory!

Being a part of this year's travel course to Svalbard prepared by the American College of Norway was a tremendous and unforgettable experience. Since hearing about this travel course during orientation, my friends and I were counting down the days until departure! For me, participating in this trip sparked many positive and unforgettable impressions towards Svalbard and the Arctic. Read more Feruza's experience to learn more about this popular ACN travel course!

American College of Norway is growing

Recently, American College of Norway's American student population has grown thanks to new marketing tactics in areas that have strong Norwegian ties in the United States. Read more about this exciting growth and why American students are making ACN their study abroad destination.

American College of Norway forever changed my life

Jen Ciasullo spent a semester abroad at American College of Norway during her senior year. While abroad, Jen was exposed to Arctic affairs and participated in the Svalbard travel course. These unique experiences at ACN excited Jen and left her wanting to learn more. Now Jen is headed back to Norway to pursue a master’s degree in International Relations at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

Prepare yourself to have the time of your life studying abroad at the American College of Norway!

Every summer we welcome students from all over the United States to the American College of Norway to take part in an exciting and educational four-week summer session led by visiting American faculty members. This year, Dr. Tami Carmichael and Dr. Jeff Carmichael from the University of North Dakota (UND) taught two unique and relevant courses, "Environmental Challenges of the 21st Century" and "Oslo: Vikings to Hipsters". UND student, Bri reflects back on her time in Norway and at ACN. Thanks for the great reflection, Bri! We loved hosting your group at ACN this summer!

The American College of Norway made my American dream a reality.

Norwegian student, Benjamin Hannus (far right) reflects on his year at the American College of Norway and offers great insight into how the program can help students achieve their goal of studying in the U.S.

Exploring the connections between Norway and Ireland on American College of Norway’s Viking-themed travel course to Dublin!

This past Easter break, American College of Norway students, faculty and staff traveled to Dublin, Ireland to explore the connections between Norway and Ireland on ACN's Game of Thrones: Vikings, High Kings, and the Irish Church, faculty-led travel course.

English Instructor position – This position has been filled

Do you want to join the ACN team? The American College of Norway is hiring a part-time English instructor. The position starts on August 19th, 2019. The hiring committee will begin assessing applications on Friday, May 10th. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Earn additional U.S. credits at an inexpensive price this summer at the American College of Norway!

Did you know that you can earn U.S. credits towards your bachelor's degree this summer at the American College of Norway?

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